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Master in Food Safety 18th Edition // 2025|2027

Applications for admission to the Master in Food Safety (MSA) between 05 FEV and 30 APR'25 for national, EU and international students

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XIII Internacional Conference - FAUNA

Take place on 4, 5 and 6 April 2025

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SYMPOSIUM - African Swine Fever Virus an Emerging Global Challenge

11 FEB'25 | Auditorium A2.16 | Free but mandatory registration

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  Access and Admission in ULisboa - 1st and 2nd Cycles

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Postgraduate Course in Medical and surgical companion animal nursing (2nd Edition)

Applications - Until AUG 18th, 2024  //  Start date - SEP 14th, 2024

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Broilernet - BIOSECURITY - Portuguese Good Practices from the project's 1st Cycle

BIOSECURITY: Creation sanitary barriers, visit restrictions and controls / INTERAVES S.A.- Portugal 

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Broilernet - FARMCONTROL - Portuguese Good Practices from the project's 1st Cycle

FARMCONTROL: Environmental monitoring, control and alarm systems - Interaves S.A. - Portugal

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Erasmus Mundus Joint Master - MorphoPHEN | REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN

Applications 2024/25 open until MAR 11th'24 - Apply to the Scholarship grant of 16.800€. See conditions...

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Project DogIPM - Seminar & Webinar

"Changing the game in the battle against Tripanossomatids" - 10 JAN (ONLINE and Live) - Registration Open

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENT - OPEN APPLICATIONS 24/25 to Integrated Master Degree in Veterinary Medicine

Applications - 1st Phase / 02 JAN - 09 FEB'24  ||  2nd Phase / 03 APR - 24 MAI'24 -  6 vacancies

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Applications for admission to the Master in Food Safety (MSA) will run from 15 JAN to 30 APR'24 for national, EU and international students

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BovINE Magazine - Now available

The BovINE Project launches its last publication! BovINE Magazine on Sustainability and Beef Farming.

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Inauguration of the Centre for Imaging and Minimally Invasive Surgery at FMV-ULisboa

This unit will allow establishing scientific relationships, developing and supporting regional companies, as well as improving animal health.

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FMV recognised as an Approved Training Centre of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology

The ECVM's aim's to guarantee the quality of European Specialists in Veterinary Microbiology, ensuring all high level in medical & veterinary services