Rui Manuel de Vasconcelos e Horta Caldeira
Welcome to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FMV) of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa)
FMV is the oldest Higher Education institution in the area of Veterinary Sciences in Portugal, and in the world that speaks the Portuguese language, promoting its teaching since 1830.
FMV's mission is "the creation, transmission and dissemination of culture, science and technology in the area of Veterinary Sciences, through the development of education, research and service provision activities of excellence, for the benefit of society".
FMV offers several cycles of studies leading to an academic degree, of which the integrated master's degree in Veterinary Medicine, the PhD in Veterinary Sciences and the master's degrees in Food Safety and Horse Sciences stand out. It also offers other study cycles in collaboration with other ULisboa Schools such as the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Zootechnical Engineering, the Master's degrees in Microbiology and the PhD in Sustainability Sciences.
All these study cycles are accredited by the national agency that makes the assessment and accreditation of higher education (A3ES), noting that teaching in Veterinary Medicine has been approved (and accredited since 2017) by the European assessment institution (EAEVE) since these assessments are carried out. FMV also offers a diverse set of Lifelong Learning actions.
At FMV, research has a preeminent place, covering all major areas of Veterinary Sciences: Animal Prevention and Health, Medicine and Pathology, Food Safety, Animal Production and Biotechnology. It is coordinated by the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Animal Health (CIISA) which stimulates and funds dozens of lines of research in close collaboration with numerous national and international institutions, contributing to the knowledge and development in these scientific areas, in favour of Animal and Human Health and the Safety and Quality of products of animal origin.
In the Extension and Provision of Services to Society component, the School Hospital stands out, which covers the areas of medicine and surgery of companion animals, equines and food-producing animals, pharmaceutical services and a Diagnostic Center that includes imaging services (X-ray, CT and MRI) and a diversified set of analysis labs. FMV also offers services in many other areas, from reproduction to nutrition, forensic analysis, food quality and technology, etc.
FMV has academic staff of high scientific and pedagogical level, consisting almost exclusively of PhDs, and other technical employees with specific training, who are daily committed to its Mission fulfilment. FMV also has the privilege of being chosen by high-quality students, selected in a highly competitive way among candidates for university higher education, who constitute a permanent stimulus for their evolution.
The strength that drives FMV results from its pioneering spirit and long history, its sense of responsibility as a public institution towards the Society from which it emanates, and the enormous dedication of all its members, guaranteeing the high quality of teaching, research and services provided, in dynamic and interactive collaboration with the Society and with the various scientific partners, economic, professional and social.
Rui Caldeira
Dean of FMV