BovReg - Understanding cattle genomes
2020-01-23Since September 2019, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) is part of the EU-funded project dedicated to generate a comprehensive functional annotation map of the bovine genome while applying this knowledge to validate novel models for biology-driven genomic prediction. This project has a total funding of € 6 million and is led by Germany’s Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), with the coordination of Prof. Dr. Christa Kühn. The innovative knowledge generated will allow breeders and producers to improve traits such as robustness, health and biological efficiency while considering animal welfare, food safety and trade-offs between traits.
To achieve its goals, BovReg brings together experts in bioinformatics, molecular genetics, quantitative genetics, animal breeding, reproductive physiology, ethics, social sciences and dissemination from 20 different organizations, coming from 13 countries (11 European, 2 international organizations, plus Australia and Canada).
The FMV is represented by the Laboratory of Animal Genetic Resources lead by Prof. Dr. Luis Telo da Gama. The team includes Dr Andreia J. Amaral, who is leading or involved in several bioinformatics tasks, including:
- the development of reproducible bioinformatics workflows to analyse different types of “Next Generation Sequencing” (NGS) data;
- the analysis of data for annotation of novel features in the bovine genome and for their use in biology-driven methods of genetic prediction in cattle populations with small census.
This is an exciting opportunity allowing the establishment of novel collaborations and the development of a bioinformatics platform at the Laboratory of Animal Genetic Resources.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 815668.
This article reflects only the view of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa). Neither the European Commission nor its Agency REA are responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Prof. Dr. Luís Telo da Gama
Dr Andreia J. Amaral