Join BovINE at our final dissemination conference - "Evidence from Research & Practice across Europe"
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The final BovINE dissemination conference
'Solutions for Sustainable Beef Farming - Evidence from Research & Practice across Europe' is taking place online on 1st December from 09:30 - 12:30 UTC.
BovINE, Europe’s first beef farming innovation sharing network, invites all involved and interested in beef farming and sustainability to attend its final online meeting.
Presentations in English will be translated simultaneously into Estonian, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.
BovINE's expert practitioners and academic partners from across nine European countries will present solutions collectively gathered across the last 3-years focused on driving and enhancing sustainability on beef farms. The solutions being presented build on good practices already being implemented on farms across Europe and research innovations that are ready to be put into practice. The agenda is organised around the four over-arching BovINE themes – Animal Health & Welfare, Socio-economic Resilience, Production Efficiency & Meat Quality and Environmental Sustainability.
The BovINE online meeting is for beef farmers, business and technical advisors, agricultural professionals, researchers and all involved in the European beef value chain.
Join the BovINE Knowledge Hub - Gain access to knowledge, practical information, and evidence-based innovations on the related themes of socio-economic resilience, animal health & welfare, production efficiency & quality, and environmental sustainability
BovINE is open to all - one way we are ensuring this is by providing translated content in nine EU member state languages. You can access translated information via the flags on the project website homepage, or via the links below.